Fiction Publishers' Directory of New Zealand

Listing all 4 Fiction publishers listed in the New Zealand publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of New Zealand that are listed under 'Fiction Publishers. Remove 'New Zealand' filter to see all fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Fiction' filter to see the list of all New Zealand publishers

Affinity Ebook Press NZ Ltd

New Zealand

Affinity joins the growing trend of companies producing works of fictional literature in the evolving market of electronic media. Our company is committed to produce quality, affordable works of fictional literature.

Publisher profile: Affinity Ebook Press NZ Ltd

Scholastic New Zealand Ltd

Auckland, New Zealand

English language publisher of children's and educational books. Picture books, activity books, pop-up books, fictions, novels, education.

Publisher profile: Scholastic New Zealand Ltd

Calico Publishing

Auckland, New Zealand

Calico Publishing is an independent publishing house producing non fiction titles including gardening, food, wine, health and self help titles.

Publisher profile: Calico Publishing

National Pacific Press

Wellington, New Zealand

National Pacific Press produces fiction, non-fiction and children's books working mainly with first time authors helping them become established in New Zealand and in overseas markets.

Publisher profile: National Pacific Press

4 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies of New Zealand
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