School Publishers' Directory of Netherlands

Listing all 3 School publishers listed in the Dutch publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Netherlands that are listed under 'School Publishers. Remove 'Netherlands' filter to see all school publishers' directory. Remove 'School' filter to see the list of all Dutch publishers

Dick Bruna Books

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dick Bruna Books will have new and known books on display for pre-school children and older children up to 6 years of age.

Publisher profile: Dick Bruna Books

18.02 publishing

Duiven, Netherlands

18.02 publishes beautiful ideas like books, (card)games, postcards and all other products that are possible to publish

Publisher profile: 18.02 publishing

De Bijlesmseester


Dutch tutor/habit organisation/habit that develops their own material. Offers international licenses for primary school practise exercices books for all years (4-12 year) in dutch, english and french. Also do we offer 30 day challenge journals to improve your life (self help).

Publisher profile: De Bijlesmseester

3 publishers in the the directory of school publishing companies of Netherlands
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