>>Bartkowiaks forum book art<< ist eine internationale Initiative zur Förderung der zeitgenössischen Buchkunst mittels der Website www.forumbookart.com und einer internationalen Datenbank zeitgenössischer Buchkunst (www.b-art1.net), zur wissenschaftlichen Recherche über Pressedrucke, Malerbücher,...
Publisher profile: forum book art Heinz Stefan Bartkowiak
List of other Map publishers in Germany
Offers road maps, atlases and charts for Australia and world cities.
Publisher profile: Maps Australia and World
Producer and distributors of N.E. Ohio County map books including: Cuyahoga, Summit and Portage, Ashtabua, Lake and Geauga. Wall maps, globes and other map products.
Publisher profile: Commercial Survey Company
Sells hand drawn China provincial orphanage location maps.
Publisher profile: Red Thread Maps
Books illustrating archaeological sites with reconstructions of ancient monuments using transparent overlays, guides and museum catalgues, archaeological maps and atlases, CD-ROM.
Publisher profile: Vision S.r.L
List of other Map publishers in Italy
ROAD Editions, publishing company specializing in the creation of maps and travel guides for Greece and Cyprus. In the last few years we deal also with e-maps and Navigators.
Publisher profile: Road Editions S.A.
List of other Map publishers in Greece
One of Greece's leading publishers of high quality albums with a focus on Greek, Byzantine and Hellenistic issues through magnificent photography and well researched texts.
Publisher profile: Militos Editions
List of other Map publishers in Greece
Paper and digital topographic map collections with accompanying metadata covering entire U.S. States.
Publisher profile: DRG Maps
Incorporating: BioMed Central, Chemistry Central, PhysMath Central, Current Controlled Trials, Current BioData, New Science Press, Faculty of 1000, Peoples Archive, The Scientist, Telmap, UKDataPoint.
Publisher profile: Science Navigation Group
List of other Map publishers in United Kingdom
Turkish publishing house. Kaknus Publishing House has been operating since 1997. At the end of 1996 ten books were chosen to be published.
Publisher profile: Kaknüs Yayinlari
List of other Map publishers in Turkey