Sticker und Stickeralben, Kinder-und Jugendmagazine, Comics, Mangas, DVDs und Bücher zu populären TV-Serien, Kinofilmen und trendy Lizenzthemen.
Publisher profile: Panini Verlags GmbH
List of other Magazine publishers in Germany
Magazine Subscription
Publisher profile: Emitasia (Twn) Ltd
List of other Magazine publishers in Taiwan
With more than 15 years of experience Sol 90 Publishing is a company specialized in providing stratetic marketing solutions for the newspaper and magazine industry generating new sources of revenue or strengthens brand name and readers loyalty.
Publisher profile: Editorial Sol 90
List of other Magazine publishers in Spain
Sells magazines and books about classical music, music education and the performing arts.
Publisher profile: Rhinegold Publishing
We publish Ayurveda magazine in English, German, Arabic and Hindi. Wish to publish in Spanish, Russian, Italian, French and Korean.
Publisher profile: F M Media Technologies Pvt Ltd, Kochi, Kerala, India.
List of other Magazine publishers in India
Publisher of 39 daily newspapers, several magazines, weekly newspapers and shoppers located in 11 states. West Virginia, USA.
Publisher profile: Ogden Newspapers, Inc.
List of other Magazine publishers in Canada
Custom publisher of magazines and newsletters for high-technology companies.
Publisher profile: TDA Group, The
Publishers of business magazines, including Child Care Business, Corporate Logo, and Health Supplement Retailer.
Publisher profile: BookEnds, LLC
Established in 1991, MEP is one of the Caribbean's longest-running and most respected publishing and media houses, producing high-quality West Indian tourism, culture, business, art, natural history and biography books and magazines, as well as material for individual and international corporate ...
Publisher profile: Media & Editorial Projects Ltd (MEP)
List of other Magazine publishers in Trinidad and Tobago