The Policy Press, based at the University of Bristol, is a leading publisher of academic and scholarly social science books and journals. Subjects include social work, social policy and gender studies. Rights are available for many titles.
Publisher profile: The Policy Press
List of other Journal publishers in United Kingdom
Professional Engineering Publications are publishers to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. They publish a range of leading journals and magazines for the international engineering community.
Publisher profile: Professional Engineering Publishing
List of other Journal publishers in United Kingdom
Building Voices ® is an independent publishing company that specializes in Children's Fiction and Non-Fiction resources for home and school. Our mission is to build soft voices into outspoken leaders.
Publisher profile: Building Voices
List of other Journal publishers in United States
The Journal Review Foundation is a not-for-profit publisher of academic journals, journal reviews, and other scholarly resources.
Publisher profile: Journal Review Foundation of the Americas
List of other Journal publishers in Canada
New Delhi Publishers publishes journals and books on various subjects. It includes Agriculture, Horticulture, Economics, Rural Development, Marketing etc.
Publisher profile: New Delhi Publishers
List of other Journal publishers in India
Vikatan has over 80 years of experience in journal and book publishing and having handled more than 1 million pages in print, Vikatan has an in-depth understanding of Publishers’ needs. Today, Vikatan serves the STM Journal and Book Publishing community worldwide offering full-services including ...
Publisher profile: Vikatan Publishing Solutions (P) Ltd
List of other Journal publishers in India
Lindo Systems, Inc frequently publishes useful and valuable information for Operations Research with enormous number of relevant examples using its different optimization software products.
Publisher profile: Lindo Systems Inc :: Applications/Model Library
Links to the major journals of all medical specialities.
Publisher profile: Fasthealth Journal Links
Publisher of books, journals and multimedia in health, science and education. Including the imprints Academic Press, Morgan Kaufmann, Dryden Press, Saunders College and Syngress.
Publisher profile: Harcourt International
The publication includes theoretical and experimental results or research in engineering and technology.
Publisher profile: International Engineering Journal Society
List of other Journal publishers in Canada