Home page of the print journal, one of the zappiest zines of short poems, including haiku. Information on the richest haiku contest in the world, by ai li.
Publisher profile: Still: a Journal of Short Verse
Since 1986 Quality Medical Publishing, Inc. (QMP) has been publisheing high quality books and digital media for a wide range of surgical specialties. We have a wide array of titles in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, and Spine Surgery & Neurosurgery.
Publisher profile: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc.
List of other Journal publishers in United States
Publishes journals in English in physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
Publisher profile: Central European Science Journals
Indonesia's leading English language daily. The journal and reference of Indonesia daily, with the latest news on the world's largest archipelago.
Publisher profile: The Jakarta Post
List of other Journal publishers in Indonesia
A list of free medical journals that are searchable in the National Library of Medicine's PubMed database.
Publisher profile: Hardin MD: Free Medical Journals
philosophy, art, architecture, new media, literature, psychoanalysis, contemporary history, political science Focuses: postmodernism, deconstruction Authors: Derrida, Lyotard, Baudrillard, Zizek, Rancière, Virilio, Cixous
Publisher profile: Passagen Verlag
List of other Journal publishers in Austria
Local paper offering top news stories, editorials, sports, classfieds, and Ladies Home Journal.
Publisher profile: Buffalo Reflex
List of other Journal publishers in United States
Integrated Publishing Association is an association of researchers, academia and scholars working with various esteemed institutions and research organizations across the globe. IPA was established with a motto to provide an online publishing platform for researchers, scholars, academia, Universi...
Publisher profile: Integrated Publishing Association
List of other Journal publishers in India
Domus de Janas is a publishing society born in 2000. It deals with book and journalistic productions over the privileged themes of the identity and the language of Sardinia. The publishing manager is Paolo Pillonca.
Publisher profile: Domus de Janas
List of other Journal publishers in Italy
Consulting innovation analysts. Publisher of innovation reports and data, in print and electronic formats. Topics: innovation cities, urban innovation economic development and global socio-economic change. Target markets: cities, local government, start-ups, mid-size business.
Publisher profile: 2thinknow
List of other Journal publishers in Australia