Publisher of high quality illustrated books and guides about geography, people, history, art, archaeology, mountaineering, sailing, scuba diving, nature and cars. Puzzle books and illustrated books for children and young people.
Publisher profile: White Star Verlag GmbH
List of other E-book publishers in Germany
The edition of the educational and reference books.
Publisher profile: Mektep Publishing House
List of other E-book publishers in Kazakhstan
Welcome to Sword Giftbooks Scandinavia's leading giftbook publishing house. Our ambition is to create the best giftbooks in the world. Inspired by the light and nature of the North, our giftbooks
Publisher profile: Sword GiftBooks
List of other E-book publishers in Sweden
High quality and international picture books and characters. A division of Hachette Illustré.
Publisher profile: Gautier Languereau Deux Coqs d'Or (Hachette Illustré)
List of other E-book publishers in France
Offering support and resources to those who are bereaved, a feedback page for people to share their own stories, online bookstore.
Publisher profile: Landscapes Publishing
Longueville has been a leader in self-publishing for nearly 20 years. We specialise in creating books for individuals, businesses, or associations with a story to tell – immortalise your story now. We are proudly a specialty publisher, now with offices in Sydney and New York.
Publisher profile: Longueville Media
List of other E-book publishers in Australia
Non-fiction trade publisher of business, education, health, sports, and general trade books.
Publisher profile: Griffin Publishing Group
Silverland Press grew from the desire to encourage and celebrate writers and the commitment to publish fiction that challenges readers’ perspectives and tells a gripping story. We publish children's and young adult stories in many different genres.
Publisher profile: Silverland Press
Encante Press, LLC publishes nonfiction books in the following categories: Animals, Environment, Nature, Politics, Science, Travel, Wildlife. Please see our website for submission requirements.
Publisher profile: Encante Press, LLC
List of other E-book publishers in United States
Publisher of best-selling book store gifts in a variety of genres: Travel, Children's, Literary, All Ages, Relationship. Card packs plus guide books. More than a book, more than a quiz, mass appeal item with special fee. Worldwide distribution in place. Please contact for further information.
Publisher profile: TAOC ®The Art of Conversation®
List of other E-book publishers in Australia