Specialties include reference books and how-to-do-it manuals.
Publisher profile: Neal-Schuman Publishers
Pragati Prakashan is a reputed company of Higher school books and Ebooks publication in India. we began with distributing books for senior secondary classes and in the end came out with the primary book by an Indian writer for Post Graduate Science side understudies.
Publisher profile: Pragati Prakashan
List of other E-book publishers in India
A high-end digital publisher that specializes in scouting, branding, and marketing quality fiction novels to readers. Our specialized team ensures that branding and design are carefully tailored to each individual book and our marketing team works across the board to promote novels to success.
Publisher profile: ReadMore Press
Ewing Publication is the publishing affiliate of Mason Ewing Corporation. Founded in 2021, it publishes books internationally.
Publisher profile: Ewing Publication
List of other E-book publishers in United States
The International Association of Engineers (IAENG) is a non-profit international association for the engineers and the computer scientists. IAENG publishes journals, conference proceedings and books with a comprehensive covering of all the major branches of engineering.
Publisher profile: International Association of Engineers
List of other E-book publishers in Hong Kong
Publishers of textbooks for college and university students, reference books and research monographs in chemistry, computer science, earth science, engineering, environmental science, life sciences, mathematics/statistics, medicine and physics.
Publisher profile: Narosa Publishing House Private Limited
List of other E-book publishers in India
A Small independent British publisher specialising in literary fiction, drama and poetry, advanced horticulture and the esoteric.
Publisher profile: Skylight Press
List of other E-book publishers in United Kingdom
IOS Press is a scientific, medical and professional publisher established in Amsterdam in 1987. The books and journals cover subjects such as: Medical informatics, artificial intelligence, mathematics, chemistry, computer science and management.
Publisher profile: IOS Press
List of other E-book publishers in Netherlands
Innovative four colour non-fiction, and novelty books, top quality picture books and prize-winning fiction.
Publisher profile: Macmillan Children'S Books
List of other E-book publishers in United Kingdom
Features e-books focused on preventing diseases, finding natural cures through common grocery items, learning new safety tips and revealing censored health information.
Publisher profile: Truth Publishing