Publishers in Kaunas, Lithuania

Listing all 2 Lithuanian publishing companies in the city of Kaunas, Lithuania

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Lithuanian Publishers with office in the city of Kaunas. Remove 'Kaunas' filter to see the list of all Lithuanian publishers


Kaunas, Lithuania

Flintas Publishing House, a Lithuania-based company, celebrates its 19th anniversary this year. Established in 1996, our company has achieved remarkable success in its home market and become the country’s leading publisher of children’s books and magazines. We are widely recognised for our work w...

Publisher profile: Flintas

Lithuanian Academic Publishers Association

Kaunas, Lithuania

The Association publishes academic books by Lithuanian Universities.

Publisher profile: Lithuanian Academic Publishers Association

2 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Kaunas, Lithuania
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