Publishing Companies of Lebanon

Listing 21 to 26 of 26 Lebanese Publishing Houses

Page 3 of 3 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Lebanese Publishers Directory

Dar al Jil Publishing Group

Beirut, Lebanon

Publisher, editor and distributor of Arabic books which covers all the knowledge fields. Dar Al Jil treats with many agents and dealers all over the world. Created in 1971, Dar Al Jil has taken on its responsibility to open door policy.

Publisher profile: Dar al Jil Publishing Group

Dar Sader Publishers

Beirut, Lebanon

Since 1863 ,,Dar Sader'' one of the oldest publishing houses in Lebanon and Middle East, has been publishing books in Arabic, English, and French. Specialized mostly in literary works, historical references, dictionaries, classical Arab poetry, etc.

Publisher profile: Dar Sader Publishers

Editions Oueidat for Publishing

Beirut, Lebanon

Editions Oueidat (Dar Oueidat) for publishing, founded in 1956, by Dr. Ahmad Oueidat, has edited over 1,200 titles, all on the academic level, based on many subjects: human science, philosophy, literature, psychology, social educations, etc.

Publisher profile: Editions Oueidat for Publishing

Syndicate of Publishers Union in Lebanon

Beirut, Lebanon

In the early fifties, as the publishing industry in Lebanon was thriving, the first generation publishers founded a union bringing together all Lebanese publishers within a single judicial framework: The Syndicate of Publishers' Union in Lebanon.

Publisher profile: Syndicate of Publishers Union in Lebanon

Tarik Al-Mahabba Editions

Jounieh, Lebanon

Since its establishment by the Lebanese Maronite Order in 1973, Tariq Al Mahabba" is the path of goodness and" righteousness that leads to fraternity and communion. Such was the reason behind our motivation to publish a series of catechism books in addition to spiritual and religious books and CD...

Publisher profile: Tarik Al-Mahabba Editions

World Heritage Publishers Ltd.

Beirut, Lebanon

Assumes a leading role in the publication of schoolbooks and materials aimed at teaching English as a foreign/second language. Textbooks, workbooks, readers visual aids, and audio CD's address all pre-university levels, starting at KG.

Publisher profile: World Heritage Publishers Ltd.

26 publishing companies in the directory of Lebanese publishers

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