Fiction Publishers' Directory of Israel

Listing all 2 Fiction publishers listed in the Israeli publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Israel that are listed under 'Fiction Publishers. Remove 'Israel' filter to see all fiction publishers' directory. Remove 'Fiction' filter to see the list of all Israeli publishers

Contento de Semrik

Tel aviv, Israel

always seeking for new and intresting authors. publishing fiction, non-fiction, children's and gift books.

Publisher profile: Contento de Semrik

Schocken Publishing House Ltd.

Tel Aviv, Israel

Main publishing fields are Hebrew and world literature, fiction and non-fiction, Israeli politics, social science, economics, sociology, political science, law, philosophy, history, Jewish studies, Zionism, and children's books.

Publisher profile: Schocken Publishing House Ltd.

2 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies of Israel
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