Language Publishers' Directory of Ireland

Listing all 2 Language publishers listed in the Irish publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Ireland that are listed under 'Language Publishers. Remove 'Ireland' filter to see all language publishers' directory. Remove 'Language' filter to see the list of all Irish publishers

Cló lar-Chonnachta

Conamara Co Galway, Ireland

Publish Irish-language adult literary fiction. Also publish teenage fiction, children's books, history, folklore, biographies, research work, bilingual publications and translations. Poetry and song titles published with accompanying audio version.

Publisher profile: Cló lar-Chonnachta

Ireland Literature Exchange Idirmhalartán Litríocht Éireann (ILE)

Dublin, Ireland

Promotes literature from Ireland in translation abroad. Funds the translation of literature from Ireland into foreign languages and foreign literatures into English or Irish. Since 1994 has funded over 400 translations in 38 languages.

Publisher profile: Ireland Literature Exchange Idirmhalartán Litríocht Éireann (ILE)

2 publishers in the the directory of language publishing companies of Ireland
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