Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors, a 25- year old company, a young publisher with a very aggressive publishing programme in the field of Agriculture, Biotechnology, Humanities and commerce books . We publish undergraduate/postgraduate reference works and multi volume sets.
Publisher profile: Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors
Publishing House situated in walled city of Delhi since 1948,achieving a remarkable positon in Indian publishing Industry We excel in publishing Quality Text Books in Commerce for Senior Secondary,graduation and Post graduation
Publisher profile: Shree Mahavir Book Depot(Publisher)
Founded in 1995, Bookman India is a prominent and widely renowned publishing house of children educational books in India successfully entering in its golden era. With each passing year, we have achieved new milestones and have now been positioned as pioneers in terms of techno-managerial acumen ...
Publisher profile: Bookman India
Exposoft Technologies is a Software and Publishing Company manufacturing education software and books for school students.
Publisher profile: Exposoft Technologies Pvt.Ltd.
Asia Book House, Educational Publishers has been rendering its services for the cause of education ever since its inception in 1984. Asia Book House is committed to bring out books of excellence that can mould the learners into impeccable scholars. Our publication covers the range of syllabi desi...
Publisher profile: Asia Book House, Educational Publishers
MTG Learning Media is a leading publisher of academic books meant for Olympiad, medical and engineering entrance exams like NEET/JEE Main, School books, Foundation course book and competitive exam magazines.
Publisher profile: MTG Learning Media Pvt. Ltd.
A publisher of original English work for adults and children. Based in Bangalore India. Looking for co-operation in publishing, distribution, rights for India and also selling their books overseas. Runs creative writing competitions with Reliance Timeout.
Publisher profile: Unisun Publications, Div of Unisun Technologies
Prachi [India] Pvt. Ltd. is one of the Pioneer Publishers of Educational Books in India. Incorporated in 1996 with barely 24 titles to start with, Prachi (India) Pvt. Ltd. has embarked on the growth path since its inception. It has curved out a niche by producing more than 600 titles to its credi...
Publisher profile: Prachi [India] Pvt. Ltd.
Educational Book Publisher & Distributor. Children Book Distributor & involved in publishing Children books in regional Language-Tamil. Distributor for several educational aids related to school Education. Channel Partner to market Educational labs in schools.
Publisher profile: Mother India Publications (P) Ltd