Politics Publishers' Directory of India

Listing 11 to 20 of 22 Politics publishers listed in the Indian publishers directories

Page 2 of 3 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of India that are listed under 'Politics Publishers. Remove 'India' filter to see all politics publishers' directory. Remove 'Politics' filter to see the list of all Indian publishers

Euresian Publication

Kolhapur, India

Devoted to Environmental Awareness and Technological Advancements in Research

Publisher profile: Euresian Publication

Primus Books

Delhi, India

Primus Books has commissioned, and shall continue to do so in future, the best authors and works in critical, contemporary writings on South Asia that bridges trade and academic markets. Our current strength is in the fields of history, anthropology, politics and current affairs, Indo-Persian stu...

Publisher profile: Primus Books

Vij Books India Private Limited

New Delhi, India

We are publishers of books and ebooks related to Defence studies, Terrorism, Military History, Current Affairs & International Relations.

Publisher profile: Vij Books India Private Limited



Books for Change is an alternative and independent publishing and distribution initiative set up to offer the readers informed choices on issues of social relevance from a development perspective.

Publisher profile: BOOKS FOR CHANGE

AllayValley Publications

Jaipur, India

Publication via allay valley imprint is a perfect choice for the authors looking for a complete, high quality, personal publishing program that leverages the expertise of publishing professionals. From manuscript evaluation, to replying to authors about chances of publishing; we have the shortest...

Publisher profile: AllayValley Publications



Publisher profile: Probetimes

Journal of Mangement and Science

Coimbatore, India

About the Journal: <br />JMS focuses on detection of problems in Management and Science with innovatively and effectively using different theory and methods to resolve these problems, establishing a new theory and method through cooperative efforts facing the new issues in management and science....

Publisher profile: Journal of Mangement and Science

Genex Media People Pvt Ltd

Hyderabad, India

One of the emerging media company in South India by publishing special interested magazines like Health Line.com, a complete health & life style English monthly, Anveshana, socio- political weekly in Telugu and Spectrum, bi monthly education and career oriented English magazine throughout south I...

Publisher profile: Genex Media People Pvt Ltd

Prints India

New Delhi, India

PRINTS INDIA over 4 decades has been most proliferate and resourceful source for Books, Journals, Serials, Newspapers, Magazines, Periodicals, current and archived in India. PRINTS INDIA has a track record of delivering exceptional customer service. Most trusted partners for sourcing indian publi...

Publisher profile: Prints India

Alekh Prakashan

Delhi, India

Publisher profile: Alekh Prakashan

22 publishers in the the directory of politics publishing companies of India
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