Q-Con is a Typesetting and ePublishing Service provider with state of art operations facility and delivery centre based in Chennai, India and is in the process of opening its avenues across continents. Promoted by veteran technocrats Q-Con offers a wide range of publishing solutions which include...
Profile of: Q-Con Technologies, Chennai, India
A young publishing firm which promotes and supports new authors by providing them low cost, but, good quality services.
Profile of: Bookworm Publishers & Distributors, Indore, India
We are a company providing offshore business solutions to US and UK businesses who look forward to outsource their data processing and data management jobs. As a part of our bridging efforts to service providers and vendors around the world –
Profile of: SMServices (India), Nagpur, India
We are a leading prepress service provider for publishing industry located at pondicherry in India.We do end-to-end content management & transformation services including high quality digital type setting,e-publishing & data conversion for books & journals.
Profile of: Indetouch Exporters Enterprise, Pondicherry, India
We would like to introduce ourselves as USDI Solution (P) Ltd, a leading IT / ITES / BPO company located in Coimbatore, India.
Profile of: USDI SOLUTION (P) LTD, Coimbatore, India
Providing the finest editorial, design, art, animation and printing solutions to publishing challenges, is fast emerging as an upcoming premier resource for publishers round the world.Each member of our Creative team holds a Master degree in fine arts with a decade of distinguished experience in ...
Profile of: Quantum Gabriel Books, Kolkata, India
Iron Quill Publishing Services is a full-service publishing firm providing high quality services for conference, prepress, e-publishing and web publishing.
Profile of: Iron Quill Publishing Services, Chennai, India
5By7 is an international print services company. We design, print and create all kinds of business materials and merchandise for companies all over the world. We're built on excellent customer service and cutting edge technology.
Profile of: 5by7, New Delhi, India
Offering high quality Pre-press and typesetting services. Specializes in Bible typesetting and electronic publishing of scientific, technical and medical books and journals.
Profile of: Sarvan Typesetting Services, Chennai, India
typesetting, ebooks, medical transcription, content management, data entry, scanning, indexing, Pre-Press
Profile of: Booksoft, New Delhi, India