Contemporary Literary Review: India (CLRI) is an online literary journal which publishes a wide variety of creative pieces including poetry, stories, criticism, reviews, non-fiction, and other genres of the best quality of the time from around the world.
Publisher profile: Contemporary Literary Review: India
Online Publisher of Travel & Hospitality News
Publisher profile:
At Ivan Stories, we are dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of storytellers and readers alike.
Publisher profile: Ivan Stories
Welcome to Product for Indians, your dedicated source for products that resonate with the Indian lifestyle and values. Our journey began with a simple mission: to bring high-quality, reliable products that cater specifically to the needs and preferences of Indian consumers.
Publisher profile: Product For Indians
Publishers & seller of Tamil books- Translations from popular English books are available. All books of Kannadasan, Osho, M.R.Kopmeyer, are available here.
Publisher profile: Kannadhasan Pathippagam
CESER PUBLICATIONS™ ( was established in 1999 as a scholarly publisher. From that beginning, CESER PUBLICATIONS™ has been dedicated to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge to scholars, students, the scientific and academic societies. CESER Publications is rapidly growing s
Publisher profile: CESER Publications
Swargvibha ( is the well known and popular Hindi Website which not only helps in propagation of Hindi, but also provides universal meeting grounds to the writers, poets, Gazalkars, s
Publisher profile: swargvibha is news website in telugu regional language in India. We publish news from telangana, andhra pradesh, National & International. We also publish articles from education, liestyle, spiritual, sports verticals. would be the ideal place to read news in local language.
Publisher profile: 6TV News
G.R. Bathla Group is recognized as one of the leading educational publishing group in India. We specialize in textbooks for Classes IX, X, XI & XII for CBSE, ICSE, ISC & various state boards in the country as well as for Engineering and Medical Entrance Examinations, focusing mainly on Physics, Chem
Publisher profile: G.R. Bathla Group
Indian IT News Magazine - VAR India provides the latest and top breaking Information Technology (IT) news, Telecommunication and Computer product reviews from India and all over the world.
Publisher profile: Var India