Books, Journals and CD-Roms
Publisher profile: City University Of Hong Kong Press
A champion of creativity, victionary books explore design in all its aspects. From graphic design to pure visual delights to innovative works of fashion, architecture and product design, we present strong, current and original concepts with fresh perspectives to inspire the next.
Publisher profile: Viction Workshop Ltd
Publisher profile: Icex - Spanish Institute For Foreign Trade
Virtual edition features news, insights, and analysis of Greater China. Provides subscription information.
Publisher profile: South China Morning Post
Launched in 2005, U Magazine, a lifestyle and leisure magazine, focuses on quality living and quality thinking. It features on Travel, Food and Life. U Magazine firstly introduces multimedia travel report to let readers' surf as traveling on-the-scene. Besides, its on-line interactive platform, w...
Publisher profile: U Magazine
Books, Magazines & Newspaper
Publisher profile: Ming Pao Enterprise Corporation Ltd
Publisher profile: Yuan-Liou (Hk) Publishing Co. Ltd.
Books & Multimedia Products
Publisher profile: Longman Hong Kong Education
Publishers of Hong Kong's Most Valuable Companies, BOT publishing, video/film/documentary makers and public relations consultants.
Publisher profile: Mediazone Ltd