Publishers of general fiction and non-fiction: Greek and international authors, modern literature and novels, essays, poetry, theatre, art books, classics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, activities, children's books, multimedia. 30 years in operation.
Publisher profile: Kastaniotis Editions S.A.
Children's books, literature, art books in foreign languages.
Publisher profile: Sigma Publications
Papazisis Publishers is a leading publishing house of scientific books, periodicals and serials. For over 80 years, Papazisis Publishers while being one of the largest and oldest publishing companies in Greece, has maintained a tradition of excellence in publications -both traditionally and onlin...
Publisher profile: Papazisis Publishers
Modern Times has a successful publishing presence since 1997 with a special interest in childrens and adult fiction and non-fiction, international and Greek contemporary literature, historical novels, educational, art and medical reference books, innovative albums, high quality illustrated cookbo...
Publisher profile: Modern Times S.A.