The presentation, marketing and promotion of the book in every possible way, in order for the public to get in touch with it and help in, as much as possible, the cultural development of the country are some of the main goals of the HFPB.
Publisher profile: Greece Griechenland
Leading specialist publisher of travel guides, educational books, calendars, playing cards and travel related gifts about Greece.
Publisher profile: Editions Haitalis
Photopress S.A was founded in 1998 from George Varinos and Maria Vatista, aiming at the publication of luxury magazines. In 1999 were published lifestyle magazine Bestever. The BESTEVER is not a simple magazine. It is the ultimate guide of HIGH END products & services. Were in 2004 published for ...
Publisher profile: Photopress S.A.
Editions of Postcards, Calendars, Posters...
Publisher profile: Greece's Nature
Modern Times has a successful publishing presence since 1997 with a special interest in childrens and adult fiction and non-fiction, international and Greek contemporary literature, historical novels, educational, art and medical reference books, innovative albums, high quality illustrated cookbo...
Publisher profile: Modern Times S.A.
A series of translated master works on modern philosophy. Psychoanalysis and science. The series is titled: Problems of our times.
Publisher profile: Rappas Editions
Physics, biological psychology.
Publisher profile: Epistos Publications
History, anthropology, thnograghies, science, philosophy, communications, fiction, children's books.
Publisher profile: Alexandria Publications
Professionals with decades of experience in their relevant fields have created this new publishing company in the form of an associates' partnership. Literature and non-fiction titles.
Publisher profile: Topos Books