Publishing Technology & Software Companies of Germany

Listing 11 to 20 of 26 German publishing technology & software companies

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adesso AG

Dortmund, Germany

In view of the advancing digital transformation, which manifests itself above all in a change in usage behavior and falling publisher numbers, traditional publishing is facing major challenges. Here, the efficient use of different digital formats, the expansion of the range of digital forms of adver

Profile of: adesso AG, Dortmund, Germany
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Weitkämper Technology GmbH

Seehausen am Staffelsee, Germany

PubEngine is the ePublishing solution for eJournals and eBooks for distribution to libraries, companies and end customers. With flexible business models - whether eLibrary, B2B or B2C. With Enterprise NoSQL and intelligent search for an outstanding user experience.

Profile of: Weitkämper Technology GmbH, Seehausen am Staffelsee, Germany
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Frankfurt am Main, Germany

We work together to foster the book industry and provide support for market participants in all areas, including the development of new business fields. Indeed, the book industry needs a constant flow of new business ideas in order to be able to keep up with digital transformation

Profile of: CONTENTshift, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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eBuch eG

Heidelberg, Germany

Die eBuch eG ist die größte Verbundgruppe und größte Einkaufsgemeinschaft im deutschen Sortimentsbuchhandel. Über 800 Mitgliedsbuchhandlungen profitieren neben dem anabel-Warenbezug zusätzlich von unserem breiten Angebot an Dienstleistungen.

Profile of: eBuch eG, Heidelberg, Germany
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KIS - Kommunikations- undInformationssysteme GmbH

Kaufering, Germany

Publish Verlage, Standardsoftware für Buch-, Zeitschriften- und Anzeigenverlage, Verlagsauslieferungen, Handelsvertreter, Seminar, Logistik, Versandoptimierung, Rezension, Marketing, Dokumentenmanagement, elektronische Bestellung, Komplettlösungen.

Profile of: KIS - Kommunikations- undInformationssysteme GmbH, Kaufering, Germany
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Klopotek & Partner GmbH

Berlin, Germany

Klopotek is the leading supplier of software and consulting services for print and online publishers. Klopotek software supports the entire publishing value chain for print and digital products. Our software is based on best practices in publishing.

Profile of: Klopotek & Partner GmbH, Berlin, Germany
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R.O.M. Logicware GmbHPapyrus Autor

Berlin, Germany

Die geniale Textverarbeitung für Schriftsteller, Journalisten und Autoren von Facharbeiten. Mit der berühmten, einmaligen Stil- und Lesbarkeitsanalyse von Andreas Eschbach, integriertem Duden-Korrektor, Figuren- und Recherche-Datenbank uvm.

Profile of: R.O.M. Logicware GmbHPapyrus Autor, Berlin, Germany
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Reemers Publishing Services GmbH

Krefeld, Germany

Reemers bietet Medienunternehmen und Verlagen seit 30 Jahren professionelle Produktionsleistungen und -lösungen für Print- und Digitalprodukte. Von der Prozess- und Technologie-Beratung über die Softwareentwicklung bis zur Full-Service-Herstellung.

Profile of: Reemers Publishing Services GmbH, Krefeld, Germany
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Cover Softwarelösungen GmbH & Co. KG

Böblingen, Germany

Lösungs- und Softwareanbieter f. d. Automatisierung von Verlagsprozessen: CRM, Abo, Anzeige, Buch, Veranstaltungen, Marketing, Warenwirtschaft, Produktmgt., Honorar, Finanzbuchhaltung, Debitorenmgt., Kostenrechnung, Business Intelligence, E-Commerce.

Profile of: Cover Softwarelösungen GmbH & Co. KG, Böblingen, Germany
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readbox publishing GmbH

Dortmund, Germany

With future-oriented thinking and our powerful software technology, we analyze and optimize your business processes and thus contribute to your entrepreneurial success. We bundle product information from a wide variety of sources, enrich it, analyze and optimize it.

Profile of: readbox publishing GmbH, Dortmund, Germany
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