Literary agency representing German authors and illustrators worldwide and foreign authors, illustrators and publishing houses in the German markets. We specialize in adult fiction and non-ficttion and children's and young adult books?
Profile of: Verlags Agentur Prahl, Munich, Germany
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Die Literaturagentur Matthias Strobel repräsentiert hauptsächlich argentinische Autoren, sowohl Fiction alsauch Non-fiction. The Literary Agency Matthias Strobel represents mainly Argentine fiction and non-fiction authors.
Profile of: Literaturagentur Matthias Strobel, Berlin, Germany
Now viewing Literary Agencies services of Germany. See a list of all literary agencies here
Literary agency for translation rights.
Profile of: Oliver Latsch Literary Agency, Frankenthal, Germany
Now viewing Literary Agencies services of Germany. See a list of all literary agencies here