Publishing Services Companies of Germany

Listing 31 to 40 of 931 German Publishing Service Companies

Page 4 of 94 of all the publishing services companies listed in the German directory of services

Agentur Susanne Koppe Auserlesen Ausgezeichnet

Hamburg, Germany

Presentation of high-quality illustrators and writers development of book projects.

Profile of: Agentur Susanne Koppe Auserlesen Ausgezeichnet, Hamburg, Germany


Oberhaching, Germany

OCLC ist ein weltweiter Anbieter von modernsten IT-Lösungen für das Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement.

Profile of: OCLC GmbH, Oberhaching, Germany

Agentur Literatur Gudrun Hebel

Berlin, Germany

The agency literatur Gudrun Hebel: founded in 1998, represents around 60 German and Scandinavian authors worldwide, in 2000, with the mediation of Liza Marklund, Arne Dahl and Camilla Läckberg, triggered the Swedish wave of crime fiction on the German market.

Profile of: Agentur Literatur Gudrun Hebel, Berlin, Germany

Michael Meller Literary Agency

Munich, Germany

For more than 30 years, the Michael Meller agency has been advising and representing German-speaking and international authors to publishers and offering them constant, long-term support and orientation in the ever faster changing publishing landscape.

Profile of: Michael Meller Literary Agency, Munich, Germany Internet GmbH

Hamburg, Germany

Profile of: Internet GmbH, Hamburg, Germany

erzaehl:perspektive Literary Agency

Munich, Germany

Young and fresh literary agency with German language authors in fiction, non-fiction and children's books. We also represent international publishers on the German market.

Profile of: erzaehl:perspektive Literary Agency , Munich, Germany

Studium rund ums Buch Hochschule der Medien Studieng. Mediapubl. U.Bibliotheks-u. Medienmanagement

Stuttgart, Germany

Gemeinschaftsstand der Hochschulen: Hochschule für Technik. Wirtschaft u. Kultur Leipzig: Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Inst. f. Buchwissenschaft, Mainz; Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Buchwissenschaft, Erlangen: Universität Leipzig; Universität München.

Profile of: Studium rund ums Buch Hochschule der Medien Studieng. Mediapubl. U.Bibliotheks-u. Medienmanagement, Stuttgart, Germany


Pfaffenweiler, Germany

Scriptbakery digitizes the entire process of accepting, analyzing and managing manuscripts. This way, even unsolicited manuscripts can be viewed quickly and efficiently. Scriptbakery also works completely cloud-based: proofreaders and departments can view and evaluate their manuscripts from anywhere

Profile of: Scriptbakery, Pfaffenweiler, Germany

Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)

Frankfurt, Germany

The Central and Eastern European Online Library (C.E.E.O.L.)offers access to humanities and social science journals and re-digitized documents pertaining to Central, East and Southeast European topics.

Profile of: Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), Frankfurt, Germany

LG Buch

Munich, Germany

LG Buch was founded in 1990 and thus celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2015. As a cooperative for bookstores, it is an important economic variable in the German book market.

Profile of: LG Buch, Munich, Germany

931 publishing companies in the directory of German suppliers

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