Publishers in Bochum, Germany

Listing all 3 German publishing companies in the city of Bochum, Germanies

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of German Publishers with office in the city of Bochum. Remove 'Bochum' filter to see the list of all German publishers

tacheles! / ROOF Music GmbH

Bochum, Germany

tacheles! - the audio-book label of the ROOF Music GmbH was founded 1999. It releases audio-books and albums out of the categories fiction, specialised book and cabaret. Exclusive speakers are Götz Alsmann, Konrad Beikircher, Hape Kerkeling and Helge Schneider for example.

Publisher profile: tacheles! / ROOF Music GmbH

ILT-Europa Verlag

Bochum, Germany

Fachbücher zum Thema Studieren Bewerben und Arbeiten im Ausland in Europa und Übersee". Bisher zu den Laendern:"Australien, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Irland, Kanada, Neuseeland, Spanien, USA.

Publisher profile: ILT-Europa Verlag

3 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Bochum, Germany
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