Publisher and packager of books for International markets. Specialising in children's books from 1 to 12 years old: non-fiction, activity books with unique formats, board and picture books. Creators of games and stationery for children and adults.
Publisher profile: Editions Play Bac
Bible, exégèse, patristique, théologie, histoire, histoire des religions, judaisme, actualité religieuse, catéchèse, liturgie, sciences de l'homme, cinéma, philosophie, société, beaux livres.
Publisher profile: Editions du Cerf
Children's books only: picture books, novels from 6 to young adults, biographies from 11, non-fiction, board books, flap books, theatre plays.
Publisher profile: L'Ecole des Loisirs
Editeur généraliste de littérature de poche en fiction et non-fiction: roman, thriller, policier, classique, document et essai, biographie, spiritualité, psychopratique, science-fiction et fantasy, méthodes d'autoapprentissage de langues.
Publisher profile: Pocket A Publisher of Univers Poche
Small publishing house founded in 1991 and specialised in high quality fiction and non fiction , French contemporary and translated literature (especially novels, short stories, "romans noirs" and detective novels)
Publisher profile: Éditions Zulma
Documents, littérature, poésie, humour, beaux-livres, guides, gastronomie.
Publisher profile: Cherche Midi Editeur
Novelisations, fiction series, classic literature, young adult literature.
Publisher profile: Hachette Jeunesse/Children'S Fiction And Young Adult Literature
Commercial fiction, literary fiction, non-fiction, self-help, memoris, politics, biographies, current events, sprituality, poetry.
Publisher profile: Editions Robert Laffont-Seghers-Julliard-Nil Editions
Depuis plus de 60 ans, Fleurus publie des ouvrages grand public à destination des familles. Éveiller les petits, découvrir et comprendre le monde, créer et rêver, tels sont les promesses des éditions Fleurus. Des livres pour tous et pour tous les jours !
Publisher profile: Fleurus Editions