Leading publisher of social sciences, history, sociology, philosophy, psychology, psychoanalysis, political science.
Publisher profile: Aubier Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group
Maison d'édition au passé prestigieux, ouverte à de nombreux domaines littéraires et à des auteurs du monde entier. Á travers ses différentes collections, la maison publie une centaine de titres par an, en littérature et non-fiction.
Publisher profile: Editions Denoël
John Libbey Eurotext publishes over 600 high quality reference books and 27 benchmark journals for the professionals in all areas of medical and scientific specialisation in both the French and English languages.
Publisher profile: John Libbey Eurotext Ltd.
Since 1985 le Dilettante publishes a restricted and select number of books, about twelve per year, and is regarded as one of the finest French publishers of contemporary fiction, very well cared and presented books.
Publisher profile: Éditions Le Dilettante
Publishers of children's quality picture books, board books, activity and gift books, junior and teenage fiction.
Publisher profile: Atelier du Père Castor Part of the Flammarion Publishing Group
Histoire de l'art, beaux arts, architecture, peinture, art et nature, arts décoratifs.
Publisher profile: Editions Citadelles & Mazenod
Romans, anthologies, essais, littérature, mémoiries, romans d'aventure, histoire, romans policiers, voyage.
Publisher profile: Editions Omnibus Place des Editeurs
Plume de Carotte tells stories about plants and human being, for children and grown up: experiments, cooking, hobbies, travels, art gardening....
Publisher profile: Plume De Carotte
Books, periodicals and audiovisual materials on education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information. CD-ROMs and scientific maps. Books for the young.
Publisher profile: UNESCO Publishing
Publisher of high quality and creative books for children. Publications include board books, picture books, activity and non-fiction, illustrated books. New lines of comics for children and adults and a novel collection for young adults.
Publisher profile: Editions Sarbacane