Hachette Education publishes in the following areas: pre-school, school, and University textbooks, home learning, dictionaries, technical and vocational titles. Teachers education and French as a foreign language.
Publisher profile: Hachette Education
Since 1993 our high quality illustrated books and fiction have won a large readership and have acquired a worldwide notoriety.
Publisher profile: Editions Du Rouergue
First multimedia publisher in the world to apply speech-recognition technology to foreign-language learning. World leader in its field, in particular with the TELL ME MORE®series (distributed to the corporate, educational and retail market).
Publisher profile: Auralog-TELL ME MORE
CNRS Editions publient des ouvrages scientifiques pour chercheurs, universitaires, en sciences humaines, sociales, exactes. CNRS Editions développent une ligne éditoriale vers le grand public.
Publisher profile: CNRS Editions
Ouvrages de psychologie et psychothérapie, de pédagogie, guides de développement personnel et professionnel, ouvrages de management.
Publisher profile: Editions Retz
Publisher and packager of books for International markets. Specialising in children's books from 1 to 12 years old: non-fiction, activity books with unique formats, board and picture books. Creators of games and stationery for children and adults.
Publisher profile: Editions Play Bac
Bible, exégèse, patristique, théologie, histoire, histoire des religions, judaisme, actualité religieuse, catéchèse, liturgie, sciences de l'homme, cinéma, philosophie, société, beaux livres.
Publisher profile: Editions du Cerf
Children's books only: picture books, novels from 6 to young adults, biographies from 11, non-fiction, board books, flap books, theatre plays.
Publisher profile: L'Ecole des Loisirs
Editeur généraliste de littérature de poche en fiction et non-fiction: roman, thriller, policier, classique, document et essai, biographie, spiritualité, psychopratique, science-fiction et fantasy, méthodes d'autoapprentissage de langues.
Publisher profile: Pocket A Publisher of Univers Poche
2 nature magazines, 2 weekly magazines for children 8-12 and 13-18 years old, 8 leisure and activity for children monthly magazines 9 months to 14 years old, 1 monthly magazine for girls aged 8 to 12 years old and 1 for young girls aged 6 to 9 years old, 2 magazines on CD-ROM 4-7 and 7-13 years, ...
Publisher profile: Milan Editions