French Language Publishers of France

Listing 151 to 160 of 208 French publishers listed in the French publishers directories

Page 16 of 21 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of France that are listed under 'French Publishers. Remove 'France' filter to see all french language publishers. Remove 'French' filter to see the list of all French publishers

Editions du Masque

Paris, France

First publisher dedicated to crime literature in France. Publish French and foreign crime literature. Publisher of Agatha Christie.

Publisher profile: Editions du Masque


Arcueil, France

Spécialisé en livres d'art sur les oeuvres de peintres du XVIIe au XXe siècles, catalogues d'expositions et livres de peinture de Marines.

Publisher profile: Anthese

Euryuniverse éditions

Serrouville, France

Publisher and publishing services in France

Publisher profile: Euryuniverse éditions

Edtions Solar Place des Editeurs

Paris, France

High-quality illustrated non-fiction on a wide range of subjects: Food and wine, gardening, nature, crafts and hobbies, health and fitness, photography, sport and transportation, perfoming arts.

Publisher profile: Edtions Solar Place des Editeurs

Editions du Panama

Paris, France

Panama is a new independent publisher. We publish fiction, essays, documents, illustrated books and children's books.

Publisher profile: Editions du Panama

Editions Dangles

Labege, France

Depuis 80 ans, Dangles creuse son sillon dans des domaines bien spécifiques: médecines douces, écologie, dévelopement personnel, spiritualité et ésotérisme. Ce dévelopement s'exprime au travers de plus de 400 ouvrages.

Publisher profile: Editions Dangles

Ocean Editions

Saint André, France

A children books collectection to discover a legend, approach the female condition, the striking stages of the childhood, the school, the transmission...So many supports of discussion for the relatives with their children. Universal subjects anchored in the culture of the Indian Ocean...

Publisher profile: Ocean Editions

Editions SAEP

Ingersheim, France

Livres pratiques en couleur. Editions en langue Française, Allemande, Anglaise. Edition et diffusion en France et zone francophone.

Publisher profile: Editions SAEP

HB Editions

Forcalquier, France

Littérature contemporaine. Romans et nouvelles. Essais littéraires et politiques.

Publisher profile: HB Editions

Alain Ducasse Editions/Les Editions Culinaires

Issy-les-Moulineaux, France

Alain Ducasse Editions are a reference imprint in the sector of gastronomy books, producing high-quality illustrated cooking books by renowned chefs.

Publisher profile: Alain Ducasse Editions/Les Editions Culinaires

208 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies of France
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