Translation Services Companies of Canada

Listing all 4 Canadian translation services companies

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Alexa Translations

Toronto, Canada

Break language barriers with Alexa Translations—delivering expert translation services powered by A.I. and industry-specialized translators

Profile of: Alexa Translations, Toronto, Canada
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Barcelona, Canada

1Global translator is a translation agency which takes advantage of a strong experience in translation services. The company both provides excellent interpretation services and also others linguistic services.

Profile of: 1GlobalTranslators, Barcelona, Canada
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Believers Bookshelf

Beamsville, Canada

Doctrinal, devotional and prophetic books and pamphlets by Darby, Kelly, Grant and other brethren" authors. "The" Lord Is Near daily tear-off calendar. Distributor of Darby translation Bibles. Believers Bookshelf Canada-" Canadian representative.

Profile of: Believers Bookshelf, Beamsville, Canada
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Seventh Avenue Literary Agency

Vancouver, Canada

Seventh Avenue is a primarily non-fiction agency with sales to major English language publishers and translation sales in over 15 countries. Also sell Film & TV rights.

Profile of: Seventh Avenue Literary Agency, Vancouver, Canada
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