Founded in Toronto in 1906, McClelland & Stewart Ltd. is the originating publisher of many distinguished fiction and non-fiction authors, including Leonard Cohen, Alice Munro, Anne Michaels, Margaret Atwood, Rohinton Mistry, and Michael Ondaatje.
Publisher profile: McClelland & Stewart Ltd.
The University of Calgary Press publishes innovative scholarly and trade books in the following subject areas: westérn history and heritage; the arts; international and multicultural topics; cultural studies and the North.
Publisher profile: University of Calgary Press
Newspaper serves Atlantic Canada's fishing and marine industry. With news, editorials, and classifieds.
Publisher profile: Sou' Wester
News, editorials, letters, sports and classifieds for the Great Northern Peninsuila and Southern Labrador coast. Newspaper established in 1980.
Publisher profile: Northern Pen
Weekly serving the Crowsnest Pass area, based in Blairmore.
Publisher profile: The Crowsnest Pass Promoter
Online edition of Hanna's weekly newspaper giving local headlines, classified information and upcoming events news.
Publisher profile: The Hanna Herald
Online edition of newspaper in Burlington, Ontario, for local news, entertainment, sports, business and advertising. Paper edition is published 3 times weekly.
Publisher profile: The Burlington Post
Bryler Publications Inc. is a traditional book publisher that focuses on new authors. We also offer a self-publishing option.
Publisher profile: Bryler Publications
Brush Education specializes in publishing print and digital learning resources for the post-secondary market. We publish across a wide range of subject areas, including education, medicine, psychology
Publisher profile: Brush Education
Newspaper serving the black community of British Columbia, published in Aldergrove, B.C.
Publisher profile: The Afro News