eBookGuides4Life.com is an eco-friendly, trusted ePublisher and a convenient, cost effective eStore where you can buy quality eBook guides for life's experiences. We publish eBooks that cover a variety of topics such as 'how-to' guides, inspirational works, poetry, memoirs and nove...
Publisher profile: eBookGuides4Life.com
Immigrant Muse advocates for first-generation Canadian immigrants and empowers them with the information, insight and inspiration to successfully navigate the Canadian culture and system.
Publisher profile: Immigrant Muse
Independent publisher of non-fiction, technical and academic works by Canadian authors.
Publisher profile: Onate Press
Partnership company for the publishing, distribution, and licensing of the Tri-namics System and related resources.
Publisher profile: Deberna International
Helping authors get their books onto Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Google Books, their website and more. Services are customized to author needs: ghost-writing, cover design, editing, proofreading, or simply publishing your e-book.
Publisher profile: Vivid Media Communications
The publication includes theoretical and experimental results or research in engineering and technology.
Publisher profile: International Engineering Journal Society
Business of Being a Book Author workshops. Aspiring author? Already have a book? Get the fundamental facts you need to save money and make money. Additional workshops covering conception to sales. Publishing, production, marketing, and sales services. Sell your book and keep the profits.
Publisher profile: GoBeyond
Not for people with outstanding morals. An online publisher of hilarious proportions! All genres welcome within the realm of humour.
Publisher profile: NaughtyGirlX
Opulent Media Ventures publishes Eat Love Savor Magazine, an international online magazine that also produces quarterly digital magazines, printed on demand (June, September, December & March) and two Luxury Gift Guides (Summer & Winter) and broadcasts its content over social media channels. Deli...
Publisher profile: Opulent Media Ventures Ltd.