Language Publishers' Directory of Brazil

Listing 1 Language publishers listed in the Brazilian publishers directory

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Brazil that are listed under 'Language Publishers. Remove 'Brazil' filter to see all language publishers' directory. Remove 'Language' filter to see the list of all Brazilian publishers

Poiesis Editora

Marilia, Brazil

Poiesis Editora was funded in 2007 with the purpose of bringing translations from others languages to Portuguese and vice-verse. We are focused on the Humanities, especially Philosophy, Education, Literature. But also Sociology, History and Anthropology.

Publisher profile: Poiesis Editora

1 publishers in the the directory of language publishing companies of Brazil
Remove 'Brazil' filter to see all language publishers' directory
Remove 'Language' filter to see the list of all Brazilian publishers

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