Criticism Publishers' Directory of Belgium

Listing all 2 Criticism publishers listed in the Belgian publishers directories

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Belgium that are listed under 'Criticism Publishers. Remove 'Belgium' filter to see all criticism publishers' directory. Remove 'Criticism' filter to see the list of all Belgian publishers

Les Impressions Nouvelles

Bruxelles, Belgium

Créées en 1985, les Impressions Nouvelles ont publié plus de 150 livres dont certains sont devenus des classiques. Elles publient depuis 2002 une vingtaine de livres par an, mélangeant fictions, essais et romans graphiques.

Publisher profile: Les Impressions Nouvelles

Editions Que

Bruxelles, Belgium

<>means <>. Only this but all of this. <>also means That. Founded by writer Bruno Wajskop in Marseille in 1999, QUE publishes essays in the areas of psychoanalysis, literature and politics, as well as lampoons.

Publisher profile: Editions Que

2 publishers in the the directory of criticism publishing companies of Belgium
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