Children's books (fiction and non fiction), documentary books, history, science, activity books, comics and graphic novels.
Publisher profile: Editions Casterman S.A.
A member of the Groupe De Boeck. Publisher in French of secondary and universitary textbooks, reference and linguistic books, dictionaries, multimedia developments.
Publisher profile: Duculot
A member of Groupe De Boeck, publisher of textbooks and scientific books on sciences, medicine, technics, human sciences, economy, psychology, education, multimedia developments.
Publisher profile: De Boeck Université
Livres pour enfants, encyclopédie pour la jeunesse, bandes dessinées, programmes TV en animation, histoire, livres-cassettes.
Publisher profile: Casterman Edition s.a.
A catalogue of high quality comic books in colours and black and white for all ages! A Dargaud group imprint.
Publisher profile: Les Editions Du Lombard S.A.
A catalogue of high quality in comics books for all ages and tastes! An imprint of Dargaud Group, the European leader in comics publishing. For more information, please visit our website:
Publisher profile: Editions du Lombard
Children's picture books publisher (3-7+).
Publisher profile: Pastel / l'école des loisirs
Le catalogue des éditions Aden est animé par la mémorie des luttes sociales et la confinance dans les possibilitiés qu'offre le livre dans le long combat à venir pour l'émancipation humaine.
Publisher profile: Editions Aden
Publisher since 1993. Art, architecture, general non-fiction, (history, essays, religion).
Publisher profile: Editions Racine
Principales collections: travaux et recherche, précis, collection générale.
Publisher profile: Publications des Facultés Universitaires Saint Louis