French Language Publishers of Belgium

Listing 41 to 50 of 89 French publishers listed in the Belgian publishers directories

Page 5 of 9 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Belgium that are listed under 'French Publishers. Remove 'Belgium' filter to see all french language publishers. Remove 'French' filter to see the list of all Belgian publishers

Editions Mols

Wavre, Belgium

Éditeur indépendant ouvert aux textes d'auteurs de langue française ou étrangère dans des genres variés tels que le document, le témoignage, l'essai, l'histoire, la philosophie, la politique, les religions, la spiritualité, la théologie et la littérature.

Publisher profile: Editions Mols

Editions Luce Wilquin

Avin, Belgium

Inédits: romans, nouvelles, critique littéraire.

Publisher profile: Editions Luce Wilquin


Gent, Belgium

Publishers of Dutch, French and English language illustrated books. Current program includes art history, museum guides, exhibition catalogues, photography, contemporary art, fashion, architecture.

Publisher profile: Ludion

Stichting Kunstboek

Oostkamp, Belgium

Art books and catalogues, photography, design, culinary books, landscape / architecture, gardening, floral art, book objects.

Publisher profile: Stichting Kunstboek

Edipro Editions de la cci

Liège, Belgium

Thanks to a practical knowledge of our customers needs, a sharp selection of specialised authors and a flexible management, lawyers, accountant, small & big businesses are offered reliable information.

Publisher profile: Edipro Editions de la cci

Prisme Editions

Brussels, Belgium

Prisme Editions sets out to encourage works of quality in all fields relating to the arts. We not only want to share our passion with our readers and turn the spotlight on talented architects and artists, we also focus on works of research.

Publisher profile: Prisme Editions

Ballon Media NV

Antwerpen, Belgium

Ballon Media kent zijn big bang op 1 april 2008. Het startschot om de activiteiten van De Ballon, een kinderboekenuitgever met meer dan twintig jaar ervaring, boekenverdeler Balloon Books en het striplabel Mezzanine samen te brengen onder een nieuwe, gemeenschappelijke koepel.

Publisher profile: Ballon Media NV

Yoyo Books

Olen, Belgium

Publisher/Packager specialising in children's books, often with an educational slant, for children up to 10 years old. A perfect combination between top quality and competitive pricing.

Publisher profile: Yoyo Books

Amyris Edition

Bruxelles, Belgium

Specialisé en médecines alternatives comme aromathérapie, gemmothérapie, phyhtothérapie, apithérapie, etc. et en nutrition.

Publisher profile: Amyris Edition

Tectum Publishing

Antwerpen, Belgium

Tectum publishers is rapidly building up a reputation in publications on architecture, decoration, design and related topics.

Publisher profile: Tectum Publishing

89 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies of Belgium
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