Free community newspaper founded in 1986 by local residents and remains independent. Site also offers archive of previous issues.
Publisher profile: Byron Bay Echo
For over 50 years, the University of Queensland Press has published high quality works of cultural significance. It has launched many great Australian novelists, set the benchmark for award-winning scholarly and Black Australian writing.
Publisher profile: University of Queensland Press (UQP)
ASJ Publishing is a publishing business that aims to discover and work with unknown and first-time authors, musicians and film artists
Publisher profile: ASJ Publishing
Entry point for the online version of a group of Rural Press publications - Australian Farm Journal, Farm Weekly, North Queensland Register, Queensland Country Life, Stock and Land, Stock Journal, and The Land.
Publisher profile: FarmOnline
Magabala Books is Australia's premier producer of quality indigenous children's literature. Magabala has a 20 years history of publishing award-winning titles across a range of genres.
Publisher profile: Magabala Books
Australia's most innovative independent publisher. Multi-channel publishing (print, POD, eBooks). Global access through partnerships with Amaazon, Apple, Google, Kobo, Overdrive, Gardners, etc.
Publisher profile: Interactive Publications Pty Ltd
Published every Sunday by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane and is distributed to parishes around Australia.
Publisher profile: Catholic Leader Online
Inspirations Books, published by Country Bumpkin Publications is dedicated to producing both practical and beautiful needlecraft books for beginners and advanced needlecrafters.
Publisher profile: Inspirations Books
Leading producer and packager of international co-editions, producing high quality illustrated non-fiction. Specialists in children's illustrated reference, adult and family reference, atlases, dictionaries, gardening and pet care.
Publisher profile: Weldon Owen Pty Ltd.
National newspaper of the Anglican Church of Canada. Independent editorial policy, published by the Information Resources Committee under the authority of General Synod.
Publisher profile: Anglican Journal