Publishing Companies of Zimbabwe

Listing all 10 Zimbabwean Publishing Houses

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Zimbabwean Publishers Directory

The Sunday Mail


Government-controlled weekly.

Publisher profile: The Sunday Mail

Zimbabwe Herald Online


News stories from the government-owned daily.

Publisher profile: Zimbabwe Herald Online

Electronic Chronicle


Daily news coverage.

Publisher profile: Electronic Chronicle

The Zimbabwean


Weekly newspaper published in London and Johannesburg, compiled by and for Zimbabweans living in exile.

Publisher profile: The Zimbabwean



Ezine providing daily news coverage on Zimbabwe.

Publisher profile: TalkZimbabwe

Zimbabwe Financial Gazette


Weekly financial and general news from Zimbabwe's heavyweight business broadsheet. New edition every Thursday morning.

Publisher profile: Zimbabwe Financial Gazette

Zimbabwe Standard Online


Stories and features from the printed Sunday edition.

Publisher profile: Zimbabwe Standard Online

Zimbabwe Independent


Weekly broadsheet. All news stories, columns and regular features are reproduced online. New edition every Friday morning.

Publisher profile: Zimbabwe Independent

Zimbabwe Mirror


News stories and regular features from The Daily Mirror, the Sunday Mirror, and The Daily Mirror on Saturday.

Publisher profile: Zimbabwe Mirror

Zimbabwe 24


Delivers daily online news, sorted into categories.

Publisher profile: Zimbabwe 24

10 publishing companies in the directory of Zimbabwean publishers

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