At Authors Breeze, we understand that every story starts with an idea, but turning that idea into a successful book takes more than just words on a page. We are here to support authors, writers, publishers, and storytellers at every stage of their journey. From ghostwriting to self-publishing, and from manuscript editing to eBook marketing, our services are designed to help you bring your vision to life. Whether you're an aspiring novelist or an experienced author, we provide the resources and expertise to ensure your book reaches its full potential.
Authors Breeze is listed under the following publishing services categories: Self Publishing
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Corporate: For premium subscribers only Editorial: For premium subscribers only Submissions: For premium subscribers only Rights: For premium subscribers only Permissions: For premium subscribers only Sales: For premium subscribers only
5101 Santa Monica Blvd # 8Los AngelesCaliforniaUnited States90029
Phone number(s): + 1 855-479-4213
Authors Breeze is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of United States. You can find similar suppliers in United States here: List of Self-Publishing Companies in United States
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