Rettore Limited

Publishing services company profile: Rettore Limited, Kowloon, Kowloon City, Hong Kong

We have over 300 titles that in total sold over 8 million books around the world in multiple languages.

We have developed books in many different formats and media, including cloth, plastic and paperboard. We pioneered in many book designs that set the innovative standards of the industry and most of our customers have patronised our services since we started 25 years ago

We work with 4 factories in China under long term contracts who have the latest technological know how coupled with tight compliance to product safety and quality control. The logistic control is streamlined to ensure efficient and error free international shipment from factory to distribution countries.

In 2023 we created a new operation hub in Hong Kong to increase our merchandising capability, closer proximity to production and enhancing support for our customers in the Asia Pacific region

Rettore Limited is listed under the following publishing services categories: Book Design, Consulting, Content Development, Contract Publishing, Exhibition, and Marketing


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LinkedIn: For premium subscribers only
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Contacts [PubMails]:

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Corporate: For premium subscribers only
Editorial: For premium subscribers only
Submissions: For premium subscribers only
Rights: For premium subscribers only
Permissions: For premium subscribers only
Sales: For premium subscribers only

Mailing address

79H Waterloo Road
Kowloon City
Hong Kong

Phone number(s):
+ 852 93156644

Rettore Limited is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of Hong Kong. You can find similar suppliers in Hong Kong here: List of Book Designers in Hong Kong, List of Publishing Consultants in Hong Kong, List of Content Developers in Hong Kong, List of Contract Publishers in Hong Kong, and List of Exhibition Companies in Hong Kong

You can explore similar publishing service companies in Kowloon, Kowloon City here. Some of the other prominent cities in Hong Kong for which we have publishing services companies in our database include: Kowloon and Happy Valley... See the list of all cities in Hong Kong for which we have publishing companies in our database here.

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