Gorham Printing

Publishing services company profile: Gorham Printing, Centralia, Washington, United States

In 1976, Kurt and Norma Gorham opened a commercial print shop in downtown Centralia, Washington. They entered a world of fast-paced deadlines, building a reputation for integrity and professionalism with larger corporate clients. After 15 years in commercial printing, they decided to change their focus to book printing.

Over the years they have kept pace with the evolution of printing technology. Major advancements in the methods of a mostly mechanical pre-press area have now changed to a completely computerized book design department. New digital technology has aided in the pressroom and bindery area as well. Much has changed over 30 years, but Gorham Printing continues to thrive and grow into the future.

Gorham Printing opened at their new location in December, 2006. Their 7,500 square foot building is at the Port of Centralia, on the corner of Mahoney and Steelhammer streets. The location is close to Centralia and Interstate 5 allows easy access.

Gorham Printing is listed under the following publishing services categories: Book Design, Book Printing, Digital Printing, Ebook Production, Graphic Design, Pre-press, Print Production, Printing, and Scanning


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Mailing address

3718 Mahoney Drive
United States

Phone number(s):
+ 1 (360) 623-1323

Gorham Printing is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of United States. You can find similar suppliers in United States here: List of Book Designers in United States, List of Book Printing Companies in United States, List of Digital Printing Companies in United States, List of Ebook Production Companies in United States, and List of Graphic Design Companies in United States

You can explore similar publishing service companies in Centralia, Washington here. Some of the other prominent cities in United States for which we have publishing services companies in our database include: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Beaverton, and Chicago... See the list of all cities in United States for which we have publishing companies in our database here.

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