eBooks2go’s professional guidance and affordable solutions assist self-publishing authors at every stage of the book publishing process. These consist of comprehensive publishing packages, editing, eBook production, social media marketing, cover designs, copyright registration, and even website designs.
Publishers can also turn to eBooks2go’s expertise to overcome the hurdles impeding their journey to publishing prominence. Our unique publisher offerings include eBook conversion services, global distribution, prepress, indexing, data transformation, interactive media, royalty reporting, as well as e-commerce solutions. We even have developed our own CMS (Content Management System) to sell online print / eBook editions, providing a new revenue stream for your catalog.
It is our mission to become the single source for everyone’s publishing needs. If you would like to learn more or need help with a project, contact us today at 847-598-1150 Ext. 4141.
eBooks2go is listed under the following publishing services categories: Digital Marketing, Book Design, Digital Marketing, Content Development, Digital Distribution, Ebook Production, Print Production, Proofing, and Self Publishing
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1827 Walden OfficeSuite 260SchaumburgIllinoisUnited States60173
Phone number(s): + 1 224-704-3420, + 1 847-598-1150
eBooks2go is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of United States. You can find similar suppliers in United States here: List of Digital Marketing for Publishers & Authors in United States, List of Book Designers in United States, List of Digital Marketing for Publishers & Authors in United States, List of Content Developers in United States, and List of Digital Content Distribution Companies in United States
You can explore similar publishing service companies in Schaumburg, Illinois here. Some of the other prominent cities in United States for which we have publishing services companies in our database include: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Beaverton, and San Francisco... See the list of all cities in United States for which we have publishing companies in our database here.
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