David Black Literary Agency

Publishing services company profile: David Black Literary Agency, Brooklyn, New York, United States

The David Black Agency (Black Inc.) advocates for its authors at every level of their development. We offer them conceptual and editorial guidance; domestic and international sales of their projects; as well as facilitating performance, multimedia and merchandising deals. Our agents offer support throughout the publication process and beyond, including long term career management. And we work collaboratively, enabling every author to benefit from the team’s expertise. Since its founding in 1989 by David Black, our mission has been to help talented writers realize their creative vision and achieve their publishing goals. We welcome both first-time writers and well-established authors.

Over the years, our client list has grown to include prize winners and New York Times best-sellers in a range of categories: from narrative nonfiction to fiction, from history to sports, from science to cooking and lifestyle. It is our belief that as publishing and media companies merge and change, agents are the most important and consistent relationship an author can have. Black Inc takes pride in advocating for and supporting our authors at every stage of their creative development.

David Black Literary Agency is listed under the following publishing services categories: Literary Agencies


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LinkedIn: For premium subscribers only
FaceBook: For premium subscribers only

Contacts [PubMails]:

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Corporate: For premium subscribers only
Editorial: For premium subscribers only
Submissions: For premium subscribers only
Rights: For premium subscribers only
Permissions: For premium subscribers only
Sales: For premium subscribers only

Mailing address

335 Adams Street, Suite 2707
New York
United States

Phone number(s):
+ 1 718 8525500

David Black Literary Agency is listed in the directory of publishing services suppliers of United States. You can find similar suppliers in United States here: List of Literary Agencies in United States

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