Is it easy to find information in your print publications, ebooks, or on your website or company intranet? If not, your readers, website visitors or intranet users are missing out on the valuable content that you have to offer. And that could mean frustrated readers, confused users and loss of sales.
Don’t let that happen. Make it easy for your readers and site users to find the information they seek. The result will be loyal readers, website visitors and customers who purchase from you, because they can find what they want.
BIM Creatives, LLC specializes in creating highly effective information retrieval and organization systems. Navigate our site to find out about our book indexing and ebook indexing services and our taxonomy services.
Broccoli Information Management is listed under the following publishing services categories: Indexing
Corporate: Go to the website Submissions: For premium subscribers only Rights: For premium subscribers only LinkedIn: For premium subscribers only FaceBook: For premium subscribers only
Feature available to premium subscribers only. PubMail gets delivered to the on-line mailbox of the profile.
Corporate: For premium subscribers only Editorial: For premium subscribers only Submissions: For premium subscribers only Rights: For premium subscribers only Permissions: For premium subscribers only Sales: For premium subscribers only
No address on record
Phone number(s): No number on record
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