Publishers in Bucuresti, Romania

Listing all 2 Romanian publishing companies in the city of Bucuresti, Romania

Page 1 of 1 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of Romanian Publishers with office in the city of Bucuresti. Remove 'Bucuresti' filter to see the list of all Romanian publishers

Tipografia REAL

Bucuresti, Romania

We are one of the largest printing houses in Romania. In our 19 years of existence, we have learned to print at a very high quality. We are passionate about the evolution of printing and we use only the best equipment available. Over the time we have specialized in various printing application...

Publisher profile: Tipografia REAL

media med publicis

Bucuresti, Romania

Company specialized in medical PR, advertising and publishing.

Publisher profile: media med publicis

2 publishing companies in the directory of publishers in Bucuresti, Romania
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