
Publishing company profile: Zubaan, New Delhi, India

An independent non-profit publishing house. It grew out of India's first Feminist publishing house, Kali for Women. Founded by Urvashi Butalia, who was co-founder of Kali for Women, Zubaan was set up to specifically continue Kali's work. Zubaan, has inherited half the backlist of Kali so that reprints of many backlist titles are assured.

In 1984, Urvashi Butalia and Ritu Menon set up India’s first feminist publishing house, Kali for Women. Over the next two decades, Kali established its name as the preeminent publisher of women’s writing and writing on feminism and gender, in South Asia. Kali’s list consisted of three distinct areas: academic and general books, fiction books and small pamphlets and booklets and featured such prominent authors and activists as Vandana Shiva, Uma Chakravarti, Vina Mazumdar, Radha Kumar and many others.

After nearly two decades of publishing and being trailblazers in creating a market for women, the two founders of Kali decided to set up their independent imprints. In 2004, Zubaan was formed headed by Urvashi. Several of the staff joined her, and have remained a key part of the Zubaan team since then, including senior editor Preeti Gill, Satish Sharma, our accounts manager, and our receptionist Elsy Paul.

Zubaan publishes E-Books and Books on these subjects: Women, Memoir, Fiction, Children's, Biography, and Autobiography in these languages: Hindi and English


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Mailing address

128 B, First Floor
Shahpur Jat
New Delhi

Phone number(s):
+ 91 11 26521008

PublishersGlobal is a free online information service for publishers and publishing service providers.

Zubaan, New Delhi, India is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.

Zubaan is listed in the directory of publishers of India. You can find more such publishers from India here:
By subject: Women publishers in India, Memoir publishers in India, Fiction publishers in India, and Children's publishers in India
By media: E-Book publishers in India and Book publishers in India
By language: Hindi language publishers of India and English language publishers of India
By city: New Delhi
Some of the other prominent cities in India for which we have publishers in our database include: New Delhi, Delhi, and Chennai

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