Formac publishes full-colour Canadian regional and city travel guides, military history, illustrated history, and children's fiction and non-fiction for ages 7-13. Lorimer specializes in high-interest realistic fiction for ages 9-15, and illustrated non-fiction.
Formac Publishing/James Lorimer & Co. publishes on these subjects: Travel, Military, Fiction, and Children's
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5502 Atlantic StreetHalifaxNSCanadaB3H 1G4
Phone number(s): + 1 9 02 4 21 70 22
Formac Publishing/James Lorimer & Co., Halifax, NS, Canada is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.
Formac Publishing/James Lorimer & Co. is listed in the directory of publishers of Canada. You can find more such publishers from Canada here:
By subject: Travel publishers in Canada, Military publishers in Canada, Fiction publishers in Canada, and Children's publishers in Canada
By city: Halifax, NS
Some of the other prominent cities in Canada for which we have publishers in our database include: Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver
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