Roller Bird and Mammoth

Publishing company profile: Roller Bird and Mammoth

The Roller Bird and Mammoth is established in 2021 with no investment. The first book was made by the team of enthisiastic publisher, illustrator and the designer. To print the first book, which was an illustrated little book about the planets and the search of the ninth planet, the publisher raised funds through crowdfunding campaign. Then in a year, the second crowdfunding campaign helped to raise funds for three new projects - a book about the birds of Azerbaijan for kids, another book about the trees and the third one is a from philosophy series - What is love according to Erich Fromm?

The publishing house main focus are illustrated books for young readers, books about nature and science, philosophy books.

The publisher is also interested in buying the rights of books that aligns with its topics, artistically rich for kids.
Also Roller Bird is buying books about kids education, physiology for parents and teachers.

Roller Bird and Mammoth publishes Books on these subjects: Psychology, Philosophy, Education, and Children's in these languages: Azerbaijani


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