Publishing company profile: RETAILBOSS

RETAILBOSS® is an independent media publication providing the latest market-driven news and trends across the global retail industry. Founded in 2011 by retail consultant and thought leader Jeanel Alvarado, RETAILBOSS is an internationally known platform for brands and retailers.

Jeanel Alvarado is the founder of RETAILBOSS®, a globally recognized thought leader, speaker and diversity advocate. Born in Canada, with Latin and Caribbean heritage. From working for corporate beauty and fashion retailers to senior consulting advisor and managing director. Together with her growing team, Jeanel regularly produces, keynotes. hosts and/or award presenter at leading industry trade shows including LuxePack, White Label Expo, Private Label Expo, COSMECON, Fashion Career Con, Retail Supply Chain & Logistics Expo, Smart Retail Tech Expo, and more.

She provides regular commentary to a variety of media publications and television broadcasts including Shopify, Entrepreneur, CTV, CBC Radio, CVM, The Gleaner, SHEEN Magazine, Seaside Retailer, Retail Insider, California Apparel News and Industry Rules.

Since 2019, she has been a member of For(bes) The Culture by Forbes, a hub of elite leaders creating equitable pathways for Black and Brown professionals. Jeanel has since developed long lasting relationships with organizations across the global retail industry.

RETAILBOSS publishes Magazines on these subjects: Economics in these languages: English


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Rights: For premium subscribers only
Permissions: For premium subscribers only
Sales: For premium subscribers only

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No address on record

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