iMaQPress Inc.

Publishing company profile: iMaQPress Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

iMAQPRESS inc. has been established to serve the Winnipeg and Manitoban community with highest quality of research support services at cheaper rates to enhance the scientific outputs of Manitoba. Considering the significance of scientific research outputs in a community, iMAQPRESS is aimed to change the status of scientific research and its citations as in the Journals Citations Report (JCR) of WoS, 122 Canadian journals have been reported with highest impact factor of 7 and there is only one journal in JCR from Manitoba province entitled ‘ARS COMBINATORIA’ with 0.2 impact factor and as per statistics of, about 2000 scientific articles were published in 2020 by Manitoban Universities (1040 by UoM, 992 by UoW, 37 by BU and 10+ by all other universities in Manitoba. These statistics indicate that iMAQPRESS is the necessity of time and region to assist the academic institutes and research centers to consider the professional services for your ongoing research as iMAQPRESS is composed of dedicated scientific researchers having PhDs from reputed universities and 1000+ citations for their 300+ scientific articles in research portfolio. Our scientific advisor team is composed of 100s of active young researchers working in the leading universities and research organization of four continents.

iMaQPress Inc. publishes Newspapers, Magazines, Journals, and E-Books on these subjects: Technology, Science, Medical, Current Affairs, Business, and Academic in these languages: English


Corporate: Go to the website
Submissions: For premium subscribers only
Rights: For premium subscribers only
LinkedIn: For premium subscribers only
FaceBook: For premium subscribers only

Contacts [PubMails]:

Feature available to premium subscribers only.
PubMail gets delivered to the on-line mailbox of the profile.

Corporate: For premium subscribers only
Editorial: For premium subscribers only
Submissions: For premium subscribers only
Rights: For premium subscribers only
Permissions: For premium subscribers only
Sales: For premium subscribers only

Mailing address

136-Market Ave
R3B 0P4

Phone number(s):
+ 98 9196161745, + 92 3454099275

PublishersGlobal is a free online information service for publishers and publishing service providers.

iMaQPress Inc., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada is just one of over 20,000 publishing company profiles in our database.

iMaQPress Inc. is listed in the directory of publishers of Canada. You can find more such publishers from Canada here:
By subject: Technology publishers in Canada, Science publishers in Canada, Medical publishers in Canada, and Current Affairs publishers in Canada
By media: Newspaper publishers in Canada, Magazine publishers in Canada, Journal publishers in Canada, and E-Book publishers in Canada
By language: English language publishers of Canada
By city: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Some of the other prominent cities in Canada for which we have publishers in our database include: Toronto, Ottawa, and Vancouver

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