Pajama Press

Publishing company profile: Pajama Press, Toronto, Canada

Pajama Press is a small literary press with big ideas. We endeavour to publish titles of exceptional quality that will receive wide critical acclaim and awards; our books are designed to successfully appeal to children, young adults, librarians, teachers, and parents. We produce all formats popular in children’s publishing across a fairly broad range of genres: picture books, board books for the very young, middle-grade novels, young adult novels, and non-fiction for all juvenile categories.

Pajama Press was established in early 2011. Our first list of three books were announced in May 2011 and published in the Fall of 2011. The core of our company is a group of highly experienced industry veterans. Gail Winskill, Publisher, has more than 35 years experience with a focus on excellence in children’s publishing. Gail’s long-term editor and collaborator, Ann Featherstone, who has been editing for 23 years, brings an outstanding experience in all children’s book genres. Richard Jones, President, has a 42 year history in the industry with an exceptional knowledge of institutional sales. Pat Thornton Jones, Administration, has a brilliant and lengthy career in the library wholesale business.

Pajama Press publishes on these subjects: Children's


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Mailing address

469 Richmond Road St. E
M5A 1R1 Toronto, Ontario

Phone number(s):
+ 1 647 2217120

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By city: Toronto
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