Christine L’Heureux founded Chouette Publishing in 1987 in Montreal. She gave Chouette a highly innovative mission: to publish books for children from birth to six years.
Inspired by the work of French psychoanalyst Dr. Françoise Dolto, Christine wanted to offer books that would help children develop their own unique personality while learning to grow in harmony with the world around them.
Chouette Publishing’s catalog now features more than 200 titles. The catalog is divided into series, each adapted to a stage of child development, from birth through age six.
The company is solidly established in North America and is now increasingly present on the global market. Translated into many languages, more than fifteen million Caillou books have been sold worldwide. The universality of the situations Caillou experiences and children’s empathy with him have made Chouette a publisher of international scope. Today, children worldwide are growing up with Caillou!
Chouette Publishing publishes on these subjects: Children's
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1001 Lenoir St., Suite B-238H4C 2Z6 Montréal, QCMontréalCanada
Phone number(s): + 1 514 9253325
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